Readings and prayers for Sunday 3 September and the following week:
We pray for Anna, our bishop, and Allen, our rector. In our diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for the people of St Michael and All Angels, Royal Oak and their incumbent, John Perris; in our ecclesiastical province, we pray for the clergy and people of the Diocese of Kootenay and Archbishop Lynne McNaughton, particularly at a time when so many in the diocese are directly affected by devastating wildfires.
In the Anglican Church of Canada cycle of prayer, we pray for the theological colleges and training programs within the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land: Arthur Turner Training School, the Centre for Christian Studies, the College of Emmanuel and St. Chad, Henry Budd College for Ministry, Saint John’s College, Dr. William Winter School for Ministry, James Settee College for Ministry.
During this Season of Creation we pray for a renewed commitment to a healthy relationship with the Earth.
In the Anglican Council of Indigenous People cycle of prayer, we pray for Indigenous Archbishop Chris Harper and for Indigenous Peoples in the Diocese of Montreal.
In the Anglican Communion cycle of prayer, we pray for The Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean.
Collect: God of restless fire and urgent river’s flow: unsettle the false peace which hides our divisions; unfold our hearts to sense your presence; unloose your kingdom and make us one in Jesus Christ, the first of many brothers and sisters. (Season of Creation week 1 )
Anglican Communion Cycle of Prayer for the week:
BIBLE READINGS FOR THE WEEK - click links for full text of readings for that day
"After Pentecost during Ordinary Time, there are two sets of Hebrew Bible readings. One set progresses semi-continuously through the Patriarchal/Exodus narratives (Year A), the Monarchial narratives (Year B), and the Prophets (Year C). The other set is related thematically, or is complementary, to the gospel lections for those dates. The Hebrew Bible lections during the rest of the year are thematically related to the gospel lections, which are in turn connected to the seasons of the Church Year. Additional readings are provided for special feast days." Daily readings below are from the Complementary thread, related to the weekly Sunday Gospel lection and sermon. Source