Welcome & FAQ

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First and most important, you are welcome! We welcome everyone to St Philip Church. We hope you will quickly feel yourself to be part of our church community.  

Services: Sundays 8am and 9.30am, Thursdays 10am - see the Services page for more details, and our Events page for additional special services.

Dress: Please dress however you are comfortable!

Scents: We kindly ask that you help us create a scent-free environment and workplace by avoiding use of perfumes, colognes, scented lotions, and other fragrant products.

Parking: We have a small parking lot off Neil St. and street parking near the church is not restricted.  We try to reserve the parking lot for visitors and persons with impaired mobility.

Greeters: At the Sunday 9.30am service, you will be greeted in the entryway where you can get a nametag if you want one, and ask any questions. Our greeters are always happy to help you find your way and warmly welcome you to the space. Please fill out the contact form that you will find below, or in any pew, and give it to a greeter, if you would like more information, a call or meeting with the rector, or to be put in touch with someone about joining a parish group or activity.

Beliefs: We are Christians, part of the worldwide family of Anglican and Episcopal Churches called the Anglican Communion.

Children & Families: Kids are most welcome at St Philip! We strive to create a spacious, welcoming space for people of every age.


We believe children should be both seen and heard.  We welcome the joyful noise and curious footsteps of toddlers and children as they explore the space and do church in the way that works for them! There are Nursery, Sunday School, and Youth programs during the 9:30 am service each Sunday, as well as tables with Lego and colouring set up at the back of the church for use before, during, and after the worship service and Sunday School time. 

Parish office hours:  Mondays 1-5, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9-5.

What's happening? News and events are posted here on our website and on the parish Facebook page (no FB account needed) and you can join the emailing list to receive the weekly newsletter by clicking here.

More background information in our Welcome Book: click here

How can I have a conversation? Please complete the form below if you are new or have moved recently.

Thank you for helping us get to know you better! You can use the form below to:

  • request the rector or church wardens to contact you
  • request prayer
  • let us know your address has changed
  • ask about church services, groups, activities, or anything else about parish life, the Anglican church, or Christian faith!
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