The vibrant life of St Philip Church depends on the gifts of time and energy freely given by members of the parish. We have one full-time Rector, Allen Doerksen (from March 2023), and two part-time staff to support our members.

Using our talents is central to our Church life, and individuals are encouraged to initiate, accept, and carry through on tasks in every area of our life together.

All lesson readers, chalice bearers, prayer ministers, Sunday school teachers, greeters, home group leaders, gardeners, lawn-mowers,  musicians, nursery workers, sound technicians, altar guild, treasurer, envelope secretary, and Parish Council positions are faithfully filled by volunteers. If you would like to share in any of these roles, please speak up. We welcome your involvement!

Here are a few of the more ‘behind-the-scenes’ roles that keep the parish running smoothly:

Prayer MinistryThe Prayer Chain is a vital ministry in this parish, lifting up the needs of the congregation to God in daily prayer. Lay Prayer Ministers are also available for prayer at either side of the Altar Rail after you have received Communion at the 9.30 am Sunday Service.

The Prayer Chain circulates requests by email or telephone to a group of faithful individuals who commit these to prayer, in a confidential manner.  The group is always looking for enthusiastic men and women who wish to be added to the Prayer Chain.

To join the Prayer Chain or request prayer, contact Joan Sedgwick, directly or via the parish office. These requests are treated as confidential.

Separately, if an individual wishes to be included in the intercessory Prayers of the People at Sunday services,  their name may be passed on, with their consent, to Joan Sedgwick or the Church Office Administrator. These requests are not confidential, as the names are spoken aloud during the intercessions. If you are requesting prayer on behalf of someone else, please be sure of their wishes.

What a difference it makes to be greeted by a friendly face when you come in the door! Ushers are usually the first friendly faces you see when arriving at church. As well as greeting worshippers and handing out bulletins, they help you find seats when the church is full, assist people with disabilities, collect the offering, and tidy the church after the service.

Servers’ Guild
The Servers are men and women who assist clergy at the principal services by leading processions, receiving the collection from the ushers, helping the celebrant prepare the offertory and the sacraments, and generally being useful in the sanctuary. Anyone interested in learning and serving in this way may contact the office.

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild faithfully prepares the sanctuary for our worship services and special services like funerals, baptisms, and weddings. Members meet each Saturday (or before Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Good Friday) to arrange flowers, banners, and linens and to prepare the altar for communion. The Altar Guild meets quarterly. 

Coffee Hosts
Every Sunday after the 9.30am service, we meet downstairs (or outside in the summer) for coffee in a relaxed, informal atmosphere so we can get to know and support each other.  Coffee hosts facilitate this fellowship by making coffee and tea for adults as well as juice for the children.  Anyone wishing to sign up can find out what is involved by viewing the checklist in the kitchen and talking to Evelyn Savage.  

Meals for New Parents
St. Philip Church is well-known for loving children and joyfully including them in our worship services.  We also love to bless new parents with two weeks of dinners after a baby has been born.  This is our way of welcoming the newborn to our church family and giving mums and dads a little more time to spend with their new baby and adjust to their new life together. 

Please contact the office if you’re interested in any of these ministries.

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