At St. Philip Church, children are included in our worship and are given the space and grace to be children. Sunday School is designed so that children will feel that they are accepted and respected.
We have very active and imaginative children who learn in many different ways, so lessons take many forms: stories, dramas, songs and discussions.
Activities reinforce the lessons: building models, science experiments, challenges, group projects, artwork, woodworking, candy making, YouTube and of course the bouncy castle!
During the service, the children can choose to do a craft that is provided at the back tables – usually something related to the day’s theme.
Sunday School
Sunday School is offered for all children, three years old and up during the 9:30 AM Service. Families gather together in the Church for the start of the worship service with praise singing, and a children’s talk. The children then go downstairs and join friends for their Sunday school classes. We meet together for about 25 minutes. Often we divide up into age group classes but sometimes we meet all together as a large church family group.
Usually the lesson is taught to the group as a whole and then the children divide into small groups for the activities. Everyone rejoins their family for Holy Communion and the Blessing. Something like 60 children are enrolled in Sunday School – with attendance usually around 20-25 each week.
If you are interested in teaching or assisting with a class, or if you are new to this parish, and would like to connect with the right Sunday School group for your child, please speak to Fr. Allen.
Many people serve as part of the leadership team for the Children’s Ministry. They volunteer a minimum of once every two months. The Sunday School also welcomes “Special Guests” from our congregation. These people come for one Sunday to share a specific gift with our children. These mornings have included storytelling, jewelry making, Scottish country dancing and music. If you have a talent you would like to share with our children, please talk to Fr. Allen.
The Nursery
The Nursery is open every Sunday morning. During the 9:30 AM Service a volunteer staffs the nursery, caring for little ones, while parents join in worship. Mums and Dads are welcome to be with their child in the Nursery if they wish. We have a roster of adults and teens who have signed up to provide Nursery care on a rotating basis. There is always room for more helpers.
Safe Church
As a congregation, we are commited to safeguarding our children and leaders from all forms of abuse. A Diocesan policy in place stipulates that everyone working with children or vulnerable adults must provide a Criminal Record Check and attend a Safe Church Workshop. All Sunday School Leaders are included in this requirement. If you have any questions please talk to a Warden.