At St. Philip Church, children are included in our worship and are given the space and grace to be children. Sunday School is designed so that children will feel that they are accepted and respected.

We have active and imaginative children who learn in many different ways, so lessons take many forms: stories, dramas, songs and discussions.

Activities reinforce the lessons, or simply are fun: building models, group projects, artwork and woodworking are some of the things our children get up to!

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered for all children, three years old and up during the 9:30 AM Service. Families gather together in the Church for the start of the worship service, which includes praise singing and a brief children’s moment. The children may then go downstairs and join a leader for Sunday school class before returning to participate in the Eucharist with their families.

For children who prefer staying close to their parents, they can stay with them upstairs, and do their own drawing, colouring or building of Lego models at the tables provided at the back of the sanctuary.

If you are interested in learning more, please speak to Fr. Allen.

Currently, Melinda, Jenni and Gerianne make up the leadership team for the Children’s Ministry.  Occasionally, the Sunday School also welcomes ‘special guests’ from our congregation who may share a specific gift with our children, such as woodworking.  If you have a talent you would like to share with our children, please talk to Fr. Allen.

Safe Church

As a congregation, we are committed to safeguarding our children, leaders and vulnerable adults from all forms of abuse. A Diocesan policy in place stipulates that everyone working with children or vulnerable adults, including Sunday School leaders, must provide a criminal record check and attend a Safe Church workshop.  If you have any questions please talk to Fr. Allen or a Warden.


See also: Youth Ministry

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