St Philip is committed to creating a safe, healthy environment that is welcoming for everyone!
Hearing Aid System
St Philip has had an induction loop assistive listening system (perimeter loop) installed to enable a person with a hearing loss to enjoy hearing at all locations in the church sanctuary. People with hearing aids should ensure their audiologist has activated the T-coil inside their hear aids for maximum benefit from a loop system. If you do not have hearing aids with T-coils, the ushers will be happy to provide you with a set of headphones and a “loop listener” device for use during the service. Attendees may also wish to bring their own headphones.
Signed English
A member of the congregation volunteers to interpret the service using Signed English sign language if requested. Songs are on overheads for easy reading. The Rector will provide written summary notes of the services for your convenience. Please bring forward your needs to the Rector or Wardens so we may support your participation in our worship services.
Step-free access
There is a ramp to get into both the main and lower floors of the church. We have a wheelchair-accessible washroom in the Lower Hall.
Assistance Dogs Welcomed and Respected
Anyone requiring an assistance dog or service dog is welcome to bring them to the worship services and to gatherings in the downstairs hall.
A growing number of people experience allergies and sensitivities to perfumes, often becoming very ill. Please be mindful of others and join us to create a safe, healthy place for everyone – leave the scents at home. Thanks!