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Dear Friends, thank you for your ongoing support of St. Philip as we seek to be faithful partners in God's Mission here in Oak Bay and different parts of the world.  This communication is to keep you abreast of your financial contributions to our parish; it is only part of what "stewardship" is about, but an important part it is. 

Your commitment to be followers of Christ in practical and tangible ways through the sharing of your time, your talents, and your treasure is the "glue" that the Holy Spirit uses to knit our community together.  I'm finding that the rumours that preceded my arrival were true; you really are committed to making St. Philip a parish "a spacious place of welcome" as you invite each other to revitalize your faith!  I'm discovering that you are living with authenticity in your families, friendships and workplaces.  It encourages me deeply that you are committed to reaching out to those in need around us and in different areas of the world.

Please let me know how I might better support your life and work, and know that I'm available for conversation however that works best for you.

Mark's Q2 Update from the Treasurer has gone out to the parish as a standalone email, and is linked below as well.

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Photo by Elaine Casap on Unsplash