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Bishop’s Easter message - transcript
Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Easter 2022: Who would have guessed that we would have to wait so very long to be back in full churches, celebrating the risen Christ? But here we are. Covid has been a wilderness longer than anyone anticipated. But God has been with us through this journey.
I’m incredibly proud of how the Church has fared in the wilderness of Covid. We have managed to pray for one another, to stay connected with one another, to continue to find ways to feed the hungry, to be church in the world.
Octogenarians have learned to Zoom, God love ya! Clergy have learned to live stream. The church has discovered that we are more spirit filled, more resilient than we could ever have imagined. And so, well done, and enjoy being back together in these full churches.
But remember, on Easter Sunday, what we are faced with is an empty tomb. Christ spends but a moment after he has risen at the tomb. No sooner has he risen, but he is out in the world again. And we too, as lovely as it is to be in church again on Easter Sunday, must not linger too long here, for the real work is done out in the world.
More than ever, our world, a world at war, needs more love, more connection, more compassion. We must go out in to the world as Christ’s hands and feet. We must do justice, and love kindness, and walk humbly with God.
Alleluia, Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Let us follow him out in to the world to be Christ’s hands and feet. Amen.