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Discovering the seasons of the Church Year was a massive discovery for me as I was coming out of my Evangelical Church.  It blew my mind that there was not only a completely different description of the yearly calendar but that this reality invited me to experience time in a completely new way!  Wow! I thought; this is what belief should be, grounded rhythms of living in the real world but not taking its cues from consumerist culture but from works of God in and through human culture!  I was impressed, amazed, and quite frankly, hooked.

Growing up all I knew about was "the Christmas season" which was over right after the presents were opened!  Discovering Advent, the first season of the church year (see my previous post for a description) as a time of longing, yearning, and hoping put me in touch with the deeper rhythms of my desire for change, not only in my own heart and mind, but in our world.  Lighting candles became so much more than a romantic mood setter but a defiant, "I'll light another candle in the face of oppression; I'll allow my life to shine in places where it might be dark, not because I'm powerful or brave but because there's One who's coming who will shine the true light in my heart and in our world." This kind of theology was new to me and perhaps as you read this post it's new to you too.

Many of us at St. Philip, Oak Bay Anglican Church have discovered this path from evangelical roots to Anglican richness.  If you live in the Victoria area and are interested in discovering a bit more about what this might mean for you, are invited to rediscover Advent through Anglican richness and Anglican traditions.  This Sunday, in the face of so many ill-conceived projects we light the candles of hope, peace, and joy as we long for the One who can bring new meaning to tired old words and worn-out hopes.