St Philip has a tradition of group book study, often following the Thursday morning Eucharist service. All are welcome to the study, whether or not you attend the service! Book studies may also run on midweek evenings, in person and/or online - keep an eye on our Events page for current and upcoming studies.
Recent study books:
Laudato Si'. Pope Francis, 2015. (Winter 2025)
Jesus and the Powers. NT Wright and Michael Bird, 2024. (Fall 2024)
The Healing Path - A Memoir and an Invitation. James Finley, 2023. (Winter 2024)
The Lord and His Prayer. NT Wright, 2014. (Fall 2023)
The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord's Prayer. John Dominic Crossan, 2011. (Fall 2023)
Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer. Rowan Williams, 2014. (May-June 2023)
Indigenous Theology and the Western Worldview: A Decolonized Approach to Christian Doctrine. Randy Woodley, 2022. (Winter 2023)
Facing Decline, Finding Hope: new possibilities for faithful churches. Jeffrey D. Jones, 2015. (Autumn 2022)
Advent with the Bible and Mary Oliver (Winter 2021)
The Book of Psalms (Summer 2021)
The Book of Ruth (Summer 2021)
Photo by Sarah Noltner on Unsplash