Our long-standing Offerings Coordinator would like to pass on a role she has fulfilled since 2018, and is looking for a successor who would like the opportunity to serve the St Philip community in this way. The role could be shared.

Key responsibilities:

  • Weekly, with another volunteer, count, record and prepare cash & cheques received on Sunday for bank deposit
  • Record, post, and reconcile weekly offerings in the giving management software system.
  • Annually order and label collection envelopes for distribution to parishioners
  • Issue annual tax receipts for donations (February) and maintain accurate donation records. This is complete for 2025.
  • coordinate quarterly counters' schedule

Key skills:

  • facility with numbers - previous experience with accounting, bookkeeping, banking or similar is an asset but not required
  • knowledge of Excel or similar spreadsheet software - training will be provided
  • Tues/Wed weekday availability for banking

Key contacts: counting team, bookkeeper, parish administrator

We are also looking for volunteers to join the team of offerings counters - this is always done with another person, and can be arrange for either after the 9.30 service on Sunday or on a Monday afternoon.


Photo by John McArthur on Unsplash