Prayers and readings for Sunday 23 March and the following week:
We pray for Anna, our bishop; Allen, our rector; and Rebecca, our deacon. In our parish cycle of prayer, we pray for our envelope secretary & offerings counters.
This week our diocese prays for the parish of St Anne & St Edmund, Parksville, and their incumbent, Kirsten Evenden.
In the ecclesiastical provincial cycle of prayer, we pray for the Diocese of New Westminster and Archbishop John Stephens.
This week the Anglican Church of Canada prays for The Rt. Rev. Mary Irwin-Gibson, Bishop, and the people and clergy of the Diocese of Montreal; and for the elimination of racial discrimination.
In the Anglican Communion cycle of prayer, we pray for Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America.
Collect: Father of mercy,
alone we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves.
When we are discouraged by our weakness,
strengthen us to follow Christ,
our pattern and our hope;
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen. BAS 290
Anglican Communion Cycle of Prayer for the week:
Lectionary for Sunday 23 March
Daily readings below are from the Complementary thread, related to the weekly Sunday Gospel lection and sermon.
Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay