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Readings and prayers for Sunday 11 February 2024 and the following week: 

We pray for Anna, our bishop, and Allen, our rector. In our diocesan cycle of prayer this week, we pray for the people of Holy Trinity, North Saanich, and their incumbent, Denise Doerksen. In our provincial cycle of prayer, we pray for the clergy and people of the Territory of the People and their newly installed Bishop Clara Plamondon. 

This week the Anglican Church of Canada prays for The Rt. Rev. Sam Rose, Bishop, and the people and clergy of the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador.

In the Anglican Communion cycle of prayer, we pray for Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan

Collect:  God of Glory,  
by the grace of your Spirit, reveal your Son to us now 
in the message of the prophets and in the witness of the apostles, 
so that we may heed his voice and receive him in faith. 
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, 
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 
God for ever and ever.  Amen. 
- Opening Prayers (1997) alt.

Anglican Communion Cycle of Prayer for the week:

  • Mon Feb 12 The Diocese of North Eastern Caribbean and Aruba – The Church in the Province of the West Indies
  • Tues Feb 13 The Diocese of Carlisle – The Church of England
  • Wed Feb 14 The Diocese of East Carolina – The Episcopal Church
  • Thurs Feb 15 The Diocese of North Carolina – The Episcopal Church
  • Fri Feb 16 The Diocese of South Carolina – The Episcopal Church
  • Sat Feb 17 The Diocese of Upper South Carolina – The Episcopal Church

BIBLE READINGS FOR THE WEEK - click links for full text of readings for that day

Lectionary for Sunday 11 February 2024:  2 Kings 2:1-12  • Psalm 50:1-6  • 2 Corinthians 4:3-6  • Mark 9:2-9


Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay