Readings and prayers for Sunday 10 December 2023 and the following week:
We pray for Anna, our bishop, and Allen, our rector. In our diocesan cycle of prayer this week, we pray for the people and leadership of the Emmaus Community, Abbey Church and Wild Church. In our provincial cycle of prayer, we pray for the clergy and people of the Diocese of Caledonia and Bishop David Lehmann.
This week the Anglican Church of Canada prays for the Primate, Linda Nicholls, and the staff of the Primate’s Office of the Anglican Church of Canada.
In the Anglican Council of Indigenous People cycle of prayer, we pray for Indigenous Archbishop Chris Harper, and for Indigenous Peoples in the Diocese of Niagara.
In the Anglican Communion cycle of prayer, we pray for The Church of Pakistan (United) and Azad Marshall, Moderator.
Collect: God of peace, you call us from the exile of our sin with the good news of restoration; you build a highway through the wilderness; you come to us and bring us home. Comfort us with the expectation of your saving power, made known to us in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. - Revised Common Lectionary Prayers (2002) alt.
Anglican Communion Cycle of Prayer for the week:
BIBLE READINGS FOR THE WEEK - click links for full text of readings for that day
Lectionary for Sunday 10 December 2023: Isaiah 40:1-11 • Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 • 2 Peter 3:8-15a • Mark 1:1-8
Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay