Are you interested to learn more about and support to missions St. Philip sponsors? We are looking for additional members to join the St Philip Missions Committee.

Although the committee only meets 2 – 3 times per year, it is important in helping to support and promote our missions.  St. Philip parishioners have started or been intimately involved with many of the missions we support such as Precious Jewels, Hope Home, and Street Hope. Other charities we currently support are: Shelbourne Community Kitchen, Mar Ellias Maronite Church in Syria, the Contemplative Prayer Society and South Island Counselling. Each year the committee meets in spring to allocate funding. In addition, we give updates to the parish on each mission throughout the year.

We plan on meeting in September to discuss (and perhaps redirect) funds that have yet to be disseminated and to consider ways to increase awareness in the parish of the missions’ work. I hope you can join us.

Please contact Jackie Prowse ( if you are interested or would like additional information.

FYI: The amount of funds for missions is recommended by Parish Council and then finalized by the parishioners at the Annual General Meeting each year. The amount designated for 2024 was $18,700. (Note: Committee allocation decisions must be approved by Parish Council).