24 March Palm Sunday: 8am and 9.30 Eucharist, interior procession with palms
25 March Monday of Holy Week [Annunciation is transferred to 8 April]
25 March Tuesday of Holy Week
27 March Wednesday of Holy Week: 7pm Tenebrae service at Christ Church Cathedral
28 March Maundy Thursday: 5pm & 7pm Agape meal with (optional) ritual handwashing, 8pm Stripping of the Altar at St Philip
29 March Good Friday: 10am family and youth friendly service with Stations of the Cross
30 March Holy Saturday: 8pm Easter Vigil at Christ Church Cathedral [livestream link]
31 March Easter Sunday: 8am and 9.30am Eucharist at St Philip; 9.30 service followed by Easter egg hunt and coffee time with favourite Easter brunch foods