Canada is one of the most economically productive nations in the world. However, 1 in 8 Canadian households is food insecure, amounting to 4.5 million people, including more than 1.2 million children. Across the country, hunger, malnutrition and poverty hide in plain sight.
Households led by single moms and refugee families are especially vulnerable, and even though 1 in 7 Canadian children under 18 will experience hunger, food insecurity can easily go undetected.
For so many of our clients at The Cridge Centre, hunger is a daily struggle, impacting their physical health, emotional wellbeing and ability to find and maintain jobs. Mother’s day has passed, but the need for food security never does. We ask you to support moms and kids who need it the most.
Honour the mother figure in your life by purchasing a grocery card and helping to take hunger off the table for a family in need. Donate here.