The Right Rev. Anna Greenwood-Lee
900 Vancouver Street
Victoria BC V8V 3V7
p 250.386.7781 tf
e w
May 5, 2022
To be read at all services and distributed via all online channels to the parish of St Philip, Oak Bay, on Sunday, May 8, 2022
I am pleased to inform you that the Rev Canon Peter Parker has accepted my appointment of him as interim priest-in-charge, effective June 1, 2022.
Peter is a retired cleric in the diocese. He was raised in the Western Communities and sponsored for theological education at what was then known as the Anglican Theological College (now known as the Vancouver School of Theology). He was ordained to the diaconate in 1973 and to the priesthood in 1974.
Peter’s entire ordained ministry, which has included appointments in Victoria, Gold River, Parksville and Campbell River, has been spent in our diocese. He has always exercised faithful and imaginative ministry not only in the parishes in which he has served but also the wider ministry of the diocese. Peter served as Archdeacon of Quatsino, as a Cathedral Canon, and was a member of a number of diocesan committees including the Camp Columbia Board, Educational Trusts Board, and the Diocesan Transformation Team. He retired in 2012.
Peter is married to Marion and together they have five adult children. Please pray for Peter, Marion and yourselves as we enter this time of transition.
The Right Rev Anna Greenwood-Lee bishop