An informal neighbourhood picnic at 5pm, followed by a formal liturgy at 7pm at which the Bishop will preside, to celebrate the installation of the Rev. Allen Doerksen as the Rector of our parish. All are welcome - parishioners, friends, and neighbours. Come and celebrate a historic moment and a new beginning!
Please note that the service will not be live streamed.
Bring a lawn chair or blanket for the picnic. To help out with providing fod or setting up/taking down furniture etc on the lawn, please see the sign up sheets at the back of the church or click here, and contact Clayton Savage with any questions.
Fr Allen says: The induction “thing” sounds like a lot of fuss about some dude coming and being your priest – who's already your priest. What you have to know is that this is really a commissioning for US. There is life and wondrous things ahead for Saint Philip, and part of that is, of course, having a priest who's willing to walk with you in it. But one of the reasons we make a big, big deal about inductions is because it's a celebration of new possibilities for the parish as a whole. So that's not being self-effacing on my part, but we're going to reach out to this community. We're going to have more people coming into this parish over the years to come. We're going to be able to do works like bringing people like Jordie and Habbous from Syria. We're going to do that again. We're not done. Our society might say the church is done - we're not done. This is about you guys as well as about me, and it's for us together. So I look forward to celebrating with the Bishop and you on June the 7th. (21 May)