This year Shrove Tuesday falls on 13 February. In the spirit of community building emphasised in discussion and feedback at our World Cafe event in the fall, the St Philip community is trying out a different approach to the traditional parish pancake supper: neighbourhood gatherings hosted by parishioners. We hope that experiencing each other's hospitality will create a warmer, more intimate Shrove Tuesday observance, maybe with people you don't regularly talk to on Sundays or didn't know lived nearby! Sign up in the narthex to be a host or a guest - hosts decide their own number of guests - and the results will be sorted into gatherings by geographical proximity (more or less!)
This will be followed up by gathering back at the church for the Ash Wednesday service at 10am on the 14th, with the rite of imposition of ashes repeated as part of the services on the first Sunday in Lent (18th).