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Prayers and readings for Sunday 28 July 2024, Pentecost 10, and the following week: 

We pray for Anna, our bishop, and Allen, our rector. In our parish cycle of prayer, we pray for our event coordinators.

In our diocesan cycle of prayer this week, we pray for the parish of St Mary of the Incarnation, Metchosin, and their curate, Lynn Mills, honorary clergy, and lay leaders.

In our provincial cycle of prayer, we pray for the people and clergy of the Diocese of Yukon and Bishop Lesley Wheeler-Dame.

This week the Anglican Church of Canada prays for The Rt. Rev. Lydia Mamakwa, The Rt. Rev. Larry Beardy, and the Rt. Rev. Morris Fidler, Bishops, and the clergy and people of the Spiritual Ministry of  Mishamikoweesh.

In the Anglican Communion cycle of prayer, we pray for The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & The Middle East.

Collect:  God of true abundance, in whom nothing is lost and all are fed:  liberate us from meagre rations of scarce and grudging love for which we must compete; show us another kingdom which stills our all-consuming fear and fills us with new hope; through Jesus Christ, the peace of Creation. Amen. Prayers for an Inclusive Church (2009) alt. 

Anglican Communion Cycle of Prayer for the week:

  • Mon July 29 The Diocese of Ho – The Church of the Province of West Africa
  • Tues July 30 The Diocese of Hokkaido – The Nippon Sei Ko Kai
  • Wed July 31 The Diocese of Honduras – The Episcopal Church
  • Thurs Aug 1 The Diocese of Hong Kong Island – Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui
  • Fri Aug 2 The Diocese of the Horn of Africa – The Episcopal / Anglican Province of Alexandria
  • Sat Aug 3 The Diocese of Hpa-an – The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma)

BIBLE READINGS FOR THE WEEK - click links for full text of readings for that day

Lectionary for Sunday 28 July:  2 Samuel 11:1-15, Psalm 14, Ephesians 3:14-21, John 6:1-21

Daily readings below are from the Complementary thread, related to the weekly Sunday Gospel lection and sermonSource


Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay