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KAIROS, church leaders and heads of church agencies have signed an ecumenical statement in solidarity with Palestinian and Israeli partners, calling on the international community to hold Israel and Hamas accountable for their violations of international law. Appalled by the Trump Administration’s statements supporting ethnic cleansing and further forced displacement in Gaza, this ecumenical statement urges all Canadians to act in support of the human rights and dignity of Palestinians, and in opposition to continuing violations of their legal, civil and human rights by the Israeli government and its allies.

In it, they write:
“Words are not enough.

We call on church members to continue to pray and act for peace. We urge church members to share their concerns for human rights, international law, and a just peace in the Middle East with their elected leaders and with those seeking public office. We call on member churches, church constituents and all Canadians to amplify the calls of churches, faith leaders, civil society organizations and partners in the region for just peace, human dignity and international law, with strength and with urgency.”

Source: KAIROS Canada

Read the whole statement here