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Services this week
2 March 2025 - Last Sunday after Epiphany 8am Holy Communion 9am Community prayers downstairs in the youth room 9.30am Eucharist, in-person and live streamed via Facebook Live [LINK]
Please join us downstairs in the hall for coffee and fellowship after the 9.30 service. 4 March, Tuesday 10.30am Contemplative Prayer 6 March, Thursday 10am Holy Eucharist followed by book study |
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Tonight: Teens & Twenties Games NightFriday, February 28, 26-9pm TONIGHT is BOARD GAME NIGHT! We have snacks and board games, and all we need is you! Feel free to invite your friends and bring your own snacks and games if you want to - this evening is for *everyone* between the ages 16 and 29. We won't nitpick about the age limits :) Friday, February 28th, 6-9pm in the lower hall - follow signs from the parking lot. Feel free to drop in or leave at any time. There are bus stops for buses 4, 9, 7, 11, and 15 within walking distance from the church. Questions?: Contact Karishma at ms.shrutikarishma[at] gmail.com For more infomation visit: http://stphilipvictoria.ca/events/teens-twenties-games-night/2025-02-28
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Palm crosses - last chance
This Sunday is the last opportunity to bring your palm crosses back to church in order to create the ashes for Ash Wednesday. - Karen Fenimore for the Altar Guild Photo by Hannah Fleming-Hlll on Unsplash For more infomation visit:
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Shrove Tuesday Pancake Suppernext Tuesday, March 4, 2025 Welcome to St Philip's Pancake Supper, held in the church hall on Shrove Tuesday (4 March), the evening before Lent begins. This year there will be two sittings, at 5.00 and 6.30pm. Organizers and volunteers wanted for before, during and after! If you have an electric griddle or frying pan you are willing to loan for the evening, please contact Larry. This Sunday is your last chance to sign up! Sign up sheets are ready in the narthex and eats are still available at both sittings - please take care to sign up for the time you prefer. For more infomation visit: http://stphilipvictoria.ca/events/shrove-tuesday-pancake-supper/2025-03-04
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Contemplative Prayer
Please join us on Tuesday mornings, 10:30 - 11:30, meeting in the choir area of the nave (at the front of the church), for a 20 minute contemplative sit with a time of prayer following. Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash For more infomation visit: http://stphilipvictoria.ca/events/contemplative-prayer/2025-01-21
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Volunteer opportunity: Offerings Coordinator & Counters
Our long-standing Offerings Coordinator, Betty Davidson, would like to pass on a role she has fulfilled since 2018, and is looking for a successor who would like the opportunity to serve the St Philip community in this way. The role could be shared. We are also looking for volunteers to join the team of offerings counters - this is always done with another person, and can be arranged for either after the 9.30 service on Sunday or on a Monday afternoon.
Photo by John McArthur on Unsplash For more infomation visit: http://stphilipvictoria.ca/news/volunteer-opportunity-offerings-coordinator-counters
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Missions Committee meeting
St Philip's Missions Committee will meet after the 9:30 service on Sunday March 9 in the church. If anyone is interested in attending, you are more than welcome. If anyone would like to propose a new mission for funding, please speak to Karen Van Rheenen or Jackie Prowse and we will send you an application form. Remember, we prioritize missions with which our parishioners are actively engaged. If you are volunteering somewhere…. That counts! For more details about what missions St Philip has been supporting, please see the Missions Committee's Year End Report and/or see the Missions page - Jackie Prowse for the Missions Committee
For more infomation visit: http://stphilipvictoria.ca/events/missions-committee-meeting/2025-02-19
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An Evening of Arabic, Celtic & Jewish MusicPeace and Solidarity: Fundraising Concert Sponsoring a Syrian-Palestinian Refugee Family - Wednesday, March 26, 2025 A Peace and Solidarity Evening of Arabic, Celtic & Jewish Music Fundraising Concert Sponsoring a Syrian-Palestinian Refugee Family A Multi-Faith Collaboration of Congregation Emanu-El, Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 7 pm Middle Eastern Delicacies served during intermission Admission by Donation - doubled with matching funds For more infomation visit: http://stphilipvictoria.ca/events/an-evening-of-arabic-celtic-jewish-music/2025-03-26
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Issues with Shaw emails not receiving weekly newsletters
If you, a friend, or someone in your household use(s) a Shaw email address, and you haven't been receiving weekly newsletters recently, please be aware that Shaw email suddenly started rejecting all - or most - messages sent from St Philip in early February. The other Anglican parishes on the Island, and probably other organizations, are having the same problem. Everybody’s email program will have different settings, but here are some things you can do: 1. check junk/spam mail folder and keep checking it regularly, mark as "Not Junk" any legit emails that get in there 2. adjust Shaw spam filter settings 3. add sender to whitelist and Contacts list 4. forward a previous newsletter e-mail to reportnotspam@shaw.ca 5. as a last resort, resubscribe with a non-Shaw email. Others don't seem to be affected, except some Hotmail users. You may need to do these more than once before it takes effect. It seems to affect a majority but not 100% of Shaw users, and is not 100% consistent for those it does affect. Others with the same problem report that they were able to use these instructions in Shaw Webmail . - Anna Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay |
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Metchosin Challenge 2025Spirituality in the (Post) Modern World - Tuesday, March 11, 2025 St Mary’s Metchosin has put together its 9th annual Lenten Challenge! St Mary’s church challenges all the community to live better by being more aware of the issues facing our world, so we can be empowered to act to make our world a better place. This Challenge is in the form of a speaker series, designed for a general audience on a wide range of topics. This year, for the first time, we are having a non-secular topic, exploring modern religion. We are reaching out to the whole community, not just Anglicans, trying to look at the religions around us from different perspectives: what are some of the issues, different forms of worship and big issues facing us? Time: 7pm Tuesday nights during Lent, March 11th - April 15th Place: St Mary’s Church, 4125 Metchosin Rd (across from the Golf Course). All but one of the presenters will be there in person, but we offer a Zoom option as well so those not in Victoria can attend. Here is the zoom link. https://vst.zoom.us/j/89279807957?pwd=ITcX9fLKiSCEhVJj7mAJHoC8bMLitz.1 Schedule: March 11th: The Venerable Dr. Lon Towstego will look at religion as community and in the community. March 18th: Margaret O’Donnell will present on the Taizé way of being together by many types of Christians. March 25th: The Rev Dr. Ross Lockhart will speak on how the very secular Pacific Northwest is different from the rest of the continent and the challenges that it brings. He is from St Andrew’s Hall and Vancouver School of Theology in Vancouver, so will be presenting on Zoom. April 1st: The Rev Dr. Travis O’Brian will speak on Mystery in the Church; the draw and the role of it in modern faith. April 8th: Patricia Lane, a lawyer who challenges the churches to be the leaders in the climate and environmental struggles. Patricia will present on how the Canadian Churches can or should respond to President Trump. April 15th: Christ Church Cathedral Dean Jonathan Thomas: what is spirituality? So many people say that they aren’t religious, but they are spiritual. They usually try to end the conversation this way, but what are they saying? What is spirit anyway? St Mary’s is hoping that other congregations will join us in-person or by Zoom and listen to the ideas and participate in the conversations around them. We are hoping all of this deepens our thoughts and enlivens our conversations and maybe even propel action in some people. Some presentations from past years are available on our website. For more infomation visit: http://stphilipvictoria.ca/events/metchosin-challenge-2025/2025-03-11
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Diocesan Book Clubstarting Thursday, March 6, 2025 Diocesan Book Club Book: No Matter What: Crisis and the Spirit of Planetary Possibility by Catherine Keller March 6- Week 1: Introduction to Catherine Keller with John Thatamanil
Header image: Photo by Tamara Gak on Unsplash For more infomation visit: https://bc-anglican-ca.zoom.us/meeting/register/pSxHF3fkR6i-89zXSZv2wg#/registration
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Congregation Emanu-El Refugee Project - Syrian-Palestinian refugee sponsorshipfrom our friends at Congregation Emanu-El To contribute, see link below to make a tax deductible donation through the Congregation Emanu-El Synagogue, or write a cheque to Congregation Emanu-El. 1461 Blanshard Street, Victoria, V8W 2J3. With a comment in the note section saying: "For Refugee Family CE25". https://congregationemanuel.shulcloud.com/payment.php?donation_type_id=7603841 In the Payment Details section, under Type, ensure that Refugee Family CE25 is selected from the drop-down menu. To learn more about this initiative and the family, click here Please contact us with any questions at CEE.Refugee@gmail.com New: A member of the most recent family sponsored by Congregation Emanu-El is is planning to start a home baking business and is getting food prep certification via ICA. She is looking for a used stand mixer for mixing dough etc. If someone happens to have a spare one please let us know at the email address above. Another member of the family is looking forward to getting a job as a mechanic once his English studies at Camosun are over. If anyone has some spare tools, he is eager to collect some. Shalom/Salaam Robert Oppenheimer Chair, For more infomation visit: https://www.congregationemanuel.ca/Refugee-Family-Sponsorship-143c8443566c80049054e69b40d1bda4
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This week in prayer
For more infomation visit: https://www.stphilipvictoria.ca/news/this-week-in-prayer--685
Useful links
The Welcome pew leaflet, weekly parish news, current Anglican Journal, & Faith Tides, recent Parish Council minutes and more are all available in print in the narthex. Please let Anna know if more print copies are needed, on Sundays or for sharing with those who don't use email. News items for the bulletin are always welcome - deadline Thursday noon. More parish, diocesan and community notices on the News and Events sections of the parish website.
Rector: Rev. Allen Doerksen
email incumbent@stphilipvictoria.ca, cell 236-508-2928 Rector's day off: Friday
Wardens: Larry Anthony lanthony@stphilipvictoria.ca and Ceal McLean cmclean@stphilipvictoria.ca
Office Hours: Mon 1-4.30, Wed & Thurs 9-4.30
admin@stphilipvictoria.ca Subscribe to St. Philip emails Parish website Live stream link Facebook page |
Image credits
Header: on the Siphon Draw Trail to the Flatiron summit, Superstition Mountains, Arizona |